Oh, the weather outside is frightful
Well, no, it's not. But it was. We got hammered with a winter storm from Wednesday night until early Friday morning, and it was glorious. First there was ice, but nothing at all like the legendary Kansas City ice storm of 2002. Hard to top that one. Exploding transformers all over town lighting up the night sky with amazing shades of purple, red, blue, and green... exploding trees filling the air with the sounds of gunfire... that mad midnight trip outside the second night to try and get some downed lines away from the house... watching that tree up the street give up the ghost and collapse directly into someone's living room... yeah. That was some crazy shit. Thank goodness the ice in Tulsa this week was quick and painless. Snow makes me happier anyway.
And snow we got. I think the official total for Tulsa was like 10.4 inches, although amounts varied all over town and some places got easily over a foot. I know it shattered the old record for November snowfall, which makes me hope this winter is going to be a fun one for a change. It was blowing and drifting pretty well, too, which turned Thursday afternoon into your basic whiteout. Hurray! I only wish people here would learn to drive in the snow - not necessarily while it's snowing so much as after it snows, because they mostly do the sensible thing while it's coming down and just stay out of it. First, if you're driving in a straight line, you're not going to lose control unless you slam on your brakes. You can go faster than 10. Second, if you keep yourself away from situations where you'll need to slam on your brakes, you won't have to slam on your brakes. So even if you're only driving 10, stop riding that guy in front of you's bumper, OK? Third... you know what? Forget it. I don't want to spend all day and get up to "and forty-fifth..." Just stay home until it melts. That's better for all of us.
Here, have a snow/sunset/reservoir/critter footprints pic.

Bank hell starts Monday. I really shouldn't call it hell, because it's a great time and I love everyone I work with there and it always feels good to pull off another spectacular Christmas party, but I sure feel like hell when it's all over and I stumble home to sleep for 14 hours. But this year should be a little less annoying because I'll know that I get to go home for Christmas. See, my dad has a huge family, and we always have that family get-together on a weekend before the actual day of Christmas. The last two years it's been the weekend right after the bank parties, and I'm always far too shot to consider trying to rush home, because home is 12 hours away and that's enough of a drive on a good day. But this year, the calendar has moved around enough that it's the weekend after that! Kick ass. Partying with the Samuelsons is always a crazy time, and I'm tired of being the black sheep who never makes it home for it. ^_~
Alrighty, movie time. Todays feature: An American Haunting. Peace out.