Sunday afternoon carpentry

Yet another shelf has been added to the wall... and once everything was spread out a bit and the stuff from the "new" pile was added, things already started looking relatively full. I'm going to have to figure something else out soon, because there's no room left on the wall to add another shelf unless I radically rearrange the living room.
Yeesh. I have way too many DVDs.
Seriously, Todd, get rid of this problem immediately by chucking out all those really useless, space-eating cases and get yourself a few freaking case-logic books already. And don't tell me that you can't part with the cases. When do you really read anything on them anyway? Living in a tiny cracker-jack chicago apartment has taught me that all that space can be used for much more interesting items... like SHOES.
Hugs and kisses from the great white north!
You know, I've actually thought about that. But I've got my CDs in case-logic books - I actually have more of them than DVDs, if you can believe that - and I'm just not sure I want to do that with my DVDs. For one, I like to have 'em in alphabetical order, and to do that in the books you either have to leave a lot of spaces open for future purchases or do a huge rearranging deal every once in a while as your collection grows. Looking for a movie to watch is also easier when they're all right there in front of you instead of hidden in a number of books, ya know? So I'm unsure.
But I'm not too worried yet. I'm eating a steak. It's hard to be all that concerned about anything when you're eating a steak. ^_^
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