Home before dark!
It's been a while since I could say that. Of course, the fact that I've been working later than usual this week and thus left early today (and will again tomorrow) helps, but still. Getting home when there's still a sun up in the sky just makes the day seem a whole lot longer.
Speaking of natural phenomena, it was officially 70 degrees here in Tulsa this afternoon. Seventy degrees! On Groundhog Day! And of course, Punxsutawney Phil...

...saw his shadow, so I still have six more weeks of this winter crap to put up with before spring finally gets here. I just don't know how I'm going to come to terms with that. (Global warming? No such thing. :op)
Lastly, I'd like to share a little tale that perfectly illustrates just what things are usually like when you work for my boss. He recently bought another warehouse - it actually used to be some sort of manufacturing plant or somesuch, but it's big and empty and we have a lot of stuff, so it's a warehouse now. The building's been sitting empty for a long time, and the previous tenants took pretty much everything out of it that they could when they left, so it's pretty dirty and needs all sorts of work - plumbing, electrical, new fences, possibly a resurfacing of the parking lot, etc, etc. And of course, he's diving into that without any sort of coherent plan whatsoever, it's just "get it all done as soon as possible" in his mind, so there have been multiple crews working in and around the place for the last couple of weeks (not to mention us, bringing loads of stuff from storage so he doesn't have to pay another month's rent on the storage unit we have). The crews that are there currently? A set of guys working on rewiring the place where necessary and another set of guys working on cleaning the entire place up with a power sprayer. Let me run that by you again - there are two crews out there at the moment. One of them is working with high-voltage electricity, and the other one is spraying water all over everywhere.
You gotta love it.
see? and i just get sent out for popcorn once in awhile. :)
Well, at least you don't have to make the coffee.
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