Thursday, November 17, 2005

I miss the good old days

...when I could still convince myself that "Smallville" was a quality show (or at least had the potential to truly be great). Now it's just this crappy WB mess that I enjoy anyway because I'm a superhero geek. Which is fine, I suppose. These days my focus lies with "Lost" anyhow.

What's new, campers? Not much here. I spent the last four days laid up with the flu (I sure get sick an awful lot lately), so that's fun. I'm somewhat scared to head up to my room - since today was my first day out of the house since Saturday, I'm afraid that all the fresh air will now allow me to fully experience the wonderful aromas of stale sweat and vomit. Ew. I sense that a "spring cleaning in November" sort of weekend is in order for the upstairs.

Here's my quandary of the week: should I celebrate/observe Thanksgiving? I mean, I don't have any family down here, nor do I have the time to head up north again at the moment (let alone the cash flow after all the work I've missed due to drama and illness in the last couple of months). I don't have a girlfriend since I pretty much gave up on ever finding anyone decent, especially here in the Bible Belt. Most of the people that I consider to truly be friends are scattered around the nation. I do have a roommate who happens to also be my best friend, but he has to work that day so it's not like we could spend all afternoon and evening watching football, acting goofy, and gorging ourselves on turkey and all the trimmings. However, I do love to cook, and it's been a while since I went all out and made a big spread - lately it's been more like a big vat of chili, or a couple of giant Dagwood sandwiches, or a big vat of chicken and egg noodles, or a couple of steaks on the grill. And there's also the appeal of the leftover turkey sandwich... and delicious freshly baked pies... I just don't know. If you're reading this and have an opinion, feel free to weigh in on the matter.

OK, that's about enough uprightness for me for one day. Time to go lay down.


At November 19, 2005 11:36 AM, Blogger Todd said...

Why would you celebrate a day that originated when the pilgrims had a celebration thanking God for all he had done for them?

Well, if I started getting rid of holidays that have their origins at least partly in religion, I'd be down to a very short list. Christmas goes. And Easter. And Thanksgiving. How about *Saint* Patrick's Day? And don't forget Halloween... just because I'm an atheist doesn't mean I have to be a no-holiday-observin' grumpass. :op

And besides, you don't need to be religious/have faith to be thankful for what you have. Perhaps a better word is "appreciative," as "thankful" sort of assumes that there's somebody to thank, and we all know my feelings on that. But it's entirely possible to reflect upon the things you have in your life and take pride/joy in them without a God entering the picture.

Thanks for all the ideas. I've thought a bit about volunteering somewhere that day, but I suspect I'll just end up on the couch with a couple of great movies and a big fat platter of nachos or something. I used up a lot of my nobility with Katrina, and a lot of my energy with recent drama and illness, so right now I'm more interested in taking it easy for a little bit before the holidays hit in earnest. Selfish, sure, but sometimes ya gotta be selfish. ^_^

At November 23, 2005 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, friend. No decent women in the Bible belt? Does that mean you'll eventually get wandering feet to take you elsewhere? Since I've known you, you haven't left the midwest, really. Missouri, Oklahoma and the occasional visit back to Iowa.

Your freax miss you! *hint hint* ;D

Do we know what the drama was?


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