Thursday, September 01, 2005

Well, it took three days...

...but the Washington bozos are finally getting around to turning the mess down south into yet another political game. You know, I love my country. But my government disgusts me.

Speaking of disgust: some reporter or other on CNN said tonight that "tragedy brings out the best in a lot of us. Unfortunately, it brings out the worst in others." To wit, here are some random things I've heard in the last 12 hours that have just made me want to scream.

- a customer at the bookstore who said we should just leave everyone left in New Orleans there, because "they're all poor and black anyway, why do we want to save them?"
- two separate government officials on TV who were trying to downplay the health risks in New Orleans by claiming that "dead bodies really don't provide any sort of health hazards."
- a caller to a news talk radio program wishing that Louisiana had elected "a governor with cojones" and professing disgust with the fact that she's been rather emotional at times this week, "but what can you expect? She's a woman and they're all emotional wrecks."
- the host of said program agreeing with that caller, and then later in the show stating that his listeners should only send donations into Christian charity organizations because "that way you can be sure that your donation isn't just going to get embezzled and used to buy someone another Corvette." I'm not even going to get into how many different levels that pissed me off on.

Why was I listening to right wing talk radio? Well, you move to Tulsa and try to find a news radio station not run by extremist Republican religious nuts.


At September 02, 2005 1:08 AM, Blogger Super!Mom said...

Well said, my friend. Well said.

At September 02, 2005 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you charged that fucker at the bookstore double for his copy of "Racism for Dummies."


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