Friday, March 25, 2005

At least it's not raining

Hey, is today National Move Lots Of Shit Around Day? Because if by some chance it is, I observed the heck out of it. Woke up this morning and took my first truckload over to the new apartment (and signed the lease and stuff). Then I went to work, where about 90% of my job on the whole consists of 1) "move this pile of boxes over there," 2) "take these books (or comics or DVDs or CDs or whatever) here and put them on the shelves where they belong," and 3) "take this stuff over to the warehouse because there's no room for it in the store." At least I got to sit down and price/put out graphic novels for a couple of hours, because once I got off it was right back to moving things from my old place to my new one. One more load tonight, I think, but first I'm gonna watch the late basketball games finish up.

(And if you're wondering why I don't just rent a U-Haul and do it all at once, it's because I hate doing that if I don't have to. And since I have a week of overlap where I've got both places, I don't have to. I'll use Gary's U-Haul when he comes down here next week for the last few things, mostly the extra-large stuff that I can't fit into my Explorer).

A couple of amusing things I noticed while driving back and forth:
  • This one I've noticed before - well, not this particular one, just in general - but I noticed it again today. While driving down 11th Street in Tulsa, I passed the "Something-or-Other Church of God." As opposed to... the Something-or-Other Church of Fish? The Something-or-Other Church of Spiro Agnew? Do we really need that qualification?
  • Right around that time I also heard a commercial on the radio for the City of Tulsa Parks. Which is cool, I'm all for parks. Especially the ones with golf courses, huge tornado slides, or playground equipment shaped like giant rockets. This commercial was all about the things that the Tulsa Parks have to offer, and at the end of it there's an older lady talking about how she loves the park programs because she gets out and has things to do and so on. Then she says "and I'm even taking a walking class!" A walking what? Honey, if you gotta take classes for that...

Oh, and I hate North Carolina. A lot. And I hate them even more on nights that Duke loses and they win. grrrrrr.

UPDATE (11:30 PM) - I cannot BELIEVE that bullshit call. Now I hate Carolina even more! I hope Wisconsin beats them by 7000 points, and then after the game the Badgers grab the folding chairs from the sidelines and beat the effin' Tar Heels into unconsciousness.


At February 15, 2007 6:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » »


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