Sunday, April 03, 2005

Burger King is stalking you

It's true! Have you seen their new commercials? He's in your house watching you sleep, putting his hand on your leg, lurking around peeking in your windows, watching your house from afar... how, exactly, is this supposed to make me hungry for a Croissan'wich? A stalker who brings you breakfast is still a stalker. And the fact that he looks like a cartoony hydrocephalic Jesus makes him even creepier. Dude. If I looked out my front door and saw the guy standing a hundred feet away watching my house, turned around for a couple of seconds, then looked back to see him calmly standing on my porch? I might pause to kick his ass into the bushes before running screaming through the house and out the back, but I don't know that I'd bet on it.

Well, at least they're not trying to turn chili into a finger food. Heh.


At April 04, 2005 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I *still* laugh when I remember the health inspector going to that Wendy's and asking all the staff to hold their hands up, so he could check for missing digits.

No Wendy's for me for a while.

V, has enough thumbs of her own

At April 05, 2005 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm never eating chili again.

And yeah, that "King" is freaky. Me no likey.

At April 08, 2005 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Update! Check out:

At April 10, 2005 12:30 PM, Blogger Todd said...

Heh. That commercial's even better than I thought it was!


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