12 pounds in 4 days
Wanna lose weight fast? Come to Tulsa and I'll breathe on you. Of course, I'm not sure that camping out in the bathroom is the best diet plan...
Observations, ruminations, ideas, complaints, contemplations, notions, criticisms, musings, thoughts, opinions, reflections, theories, grumbles, and a little bit of sheer nonsense. Or maybe *lots* of nonsense.
Oh no....Do you have the flu?? And in this heat, no less???
Get well soon!!
Damn! Sorry to hear you're sick. It's not like what we had that Thanksgiving, is it? *shudder*
Get well soon and keep in touch, okay?
I don't know what I had - it was something like the flu, something like the nasty food funk that Stef and I got one Thanksgiving... but nobody else I know has had the flu in months, and I didn't eat anything even remotely suspicious in the couple-few days before I went down with it. Feh. At least it's over now and I'm back to my normal, chirpy self. ^_^
Oh, yeah. Thanks for all the well-wishes, friends. Much appreciated.
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