Well, at least some of the politicians have a clue
Via the AP Wire:
U.S. Mayors Agree to Adhere to Kyoto Pact
CHICAGO (AP) - The U.S. Conference of Mayors unanimously passed a resolution Monday requiring their cities to try to meet or surpass emissions standards set by the Kyoto Protocol, the international global-warming treaty ratified earlier this year without the United States.
President Bush opposes the 1997 Kyoto Protocol and the U.S. administration questions the certainty of scientists' views that "greenhouse gases" such as carbon dioxide are causing temperatures to rise. U.S. officials also argue the Kyoto requirements would increase energy prices and cost millions of U.S. jobs.
Kudos to this country's mayors for being smarter than its president - although saying that any given person is smarter than Shrub is a dubious compliment at best, ya know? The only problem with news like this is that it gets me thinking about our "leader" and then I get mad all over again wondering just how in the hell this retarded cowboy got elected to a second term in the first place. These two Excite polls from the last week don't really help my peace of mind either. Grr.
ION, I steamed some sliced carrots earlier tonight and then finished them in a saute pan over medium-high heat with some maple syrup and fresh sage. Yum.
Cost the US millions of jobs? Nah. They'd just go to KBR and Halliburton. :)
OBFood: I made chicken salad the other night. It was a pouch of fully cooked chicken mixed with a packet of ranch dressing, some salt and pepper, garlic, and italian seasoning. I feel so.... dirty. 5-6 more months to go, and then I will NEVER have to eat like this again. Email me, homes.
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