Sunday, June 12, 2005

Resist or Serve

So I finally got around to picking up the X-Files game for the PS2, and I gotta say, it feels a lot like coming home. All the original actors lent their voices to the effort, including fun people like Krycek and The Lone Gunmen and CSM - and there's black oil and alien bounty hunters and plams and and and whee! The way it's set up, it's like there's three new eps that I'm just now getting to see. Lovin' it.

Also lovin' the Cubs-Red Sox series (and while I hate them both with a passion, I have to admit that Cardinals-Yankees is pretty fun too). I'm still not the biggest fan of intraleague play, because I think it does take a little something away from the World Series. But matchups like these allow me to overlook that for a little while and just enjoy watching some great franchises play some classic games.

It's trying to storm, but I bet it won't. We've been getting screwed on rainfall this spring - I think we're something like seven inches behind for the year, and nine inches behind since March 1, but don't quote me on that. So yeah. Tulsa's gonna freakin' burn down this summer if something doesn't happen soon, because once we get to mid-July or so our chances of getting serious rainfall drop to about zero. Global warming's such a drag.

Cashews are tasty and good.


At June 24, 2005 12:16 PM, Blogger Todd said...

Well, let's see. There are some camera angle issues, and some aiming issues, and the style of play itself gets pretty repetitive after a while... but I'd still call it a must for Philes thanks to the conspiracy-related storyline and the voicework by all of the original actors (some of which is hilarious). And it *is* fun - it's just not, like, "God of War" cutting edge or anything. ^_^


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