Hey, that's illegal
Sign seen on a bank board this morning as I ventured forth hunting donuts:
Let's just see how long it takes them to change it...
Observations, ruminations, ideas, complaints, contemplations, notions, criticisms, musings, thoughts, opinions, reflections, theories, grumbles, and a little bit of sheer nonsense. Or maybe *lots* of nonsense.
Sign seen on a bank board this morning as I ventured forth hunting donuts:
"CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - With the countdown entering its final hours and a fuel gauge problem still unexplained, NASA said it is prepared to bend its long-standing safety rules to launch the shuttle Tuesday on the first flight since Columbia's doomed mission 2 1/2 years ago."
I think we have a ghost moth. No, seriously. For the last month or so it seems like every time I open the front door of the apartment after dark, a moth flies in. Instantly. And it's always in the same place when I open the door. And it always flies in on the same path. Weird.
Ever work in a non-climate controlled room when the heat index is 110+? I can't say that I'd recommend it.
I used to know this guy named Marcus in Springfield (not to be confused with the Marcus I know here in Tulsa), and the other night I had a dream about him. I never thought he was the shiniest apple in the barrel, if you know what I mean, but I also never thought he was a complete idiot. Apparently my subconscious thinks differently.
The following is part of an actual conversation I had while at work today. Twas a conversation about religion, which I should know by now to avoid because I almost always end up pissing people off, but I guess at heart I'd rather piss somebody off than quietly put up with their nonsense - especially when it's not a customer we're talking about. Customers I can usually just ignore unless they're calling me a god-hating babykiller (which has happened before) or somesuch. But I digress.
Banana peppers. I just can't seem to get enough of them for some reason. I know how it started - the boss pays for lunch at the bookstore on Fridays, and I usually just run over to Subway because a) it's really close and b) it's healthier than pretty much anything else that is within convenient walking/driving distance. So I get banana peppers on my sub, and over the spring and summer it's gradually gone from "throw a few banana peppers on" to "pile it high with those babies". And then about a month ago I took the next step and started buying jars and keeping them in the fridge, and now a day hardly ever goes by where I don't have some on a sandwich or even just a handful as snackins. *shrug* I'm getting weird about food addicitons in my old age.
Without the fasting and hallucinating, that is.
Disenchanted? Unmotivated? Indifferent? Spiritless? Just plain lazy?