Saturday, July 16, 2005

Vision Quest

Without the fasting and hallucinating, that is.

You know what a vision quest is, right? I mean, they've been with humanity throughout all of recorded history in one form or another... :op At their essence, what they are is a way to empty yourself of all worldly concerns so that your husk can then be filled back up with spiritual wisdom or guidance and direction or what have you. And that's kind of how I feel. Empty. Not empty in the depressed way that you hear people speak of, where they feel that their lives have no meaning or joy, but empty in that I'm waiting for something new to come along and fill me up. I just have this deep sense that my life is about to undergo another major change/upheaval, although I have no clue whatsoever what form it might come in.

I wish it would hurry up, though. I'm sick of this feeling, and of the itch at the back of my brain that's telling me something is on its way.

ION, do not under any circumstances let yourself fall into the trap of reading Dayton Ward's "The Third World War." It's complete and utter crap. Fledgling sci-fi writers who want to craft themselves a nice little alien invasion novel would do well to remember one simple credo: "The thing about aliens is, they're alien." Their thought processes and ideals and ways of life - all alien. These aliens, however, seem like humans in Halloween costumes, always going on about their religion (Christianity rehashed) and politics (American to a fault) and methods of war (straight out of a U.S. Army training manual, I'd swear) and monogamous relationships with nuclear family units and so on and so forth. Dayton - if there's intelligent life elsewhere out there, they're not Americans, OK? It's a big universe. Show a little imagination if you really want to be a writer.


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