Monday, July 18, 2005

My latest food addiction

Banana peppers. I just can't seem to get enough of them for some reason. I know how it started - the boss pays for lunch at the bookstore on Fridays, and I usually just run over to Subway because a) it's really close and b) it's healthier than pretty much anything else that is within convenient walking/driving distance. So I get banana peppers on my sub, and over the spring and summer it's gradually gone from "throw a few banana peppers on" to "pile it high with those babies". And then about a month ago I took the next step and started buying jars and keeping them in the fridge, and now a day hardly ever goes by where I don't have some on a sandwich or even just a handful as snackins. *shrug* I'm getting weird about food addicitons in my old age.


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