Monday, July 25, 2005

The Amityville... moth?

I think we have a ghost moth. No, seriously. For the last month or so it seems like every time I open the front door of the apartment after dark, a moth flies in. Instantly. And it's always in the same place when I open the door. And it always flies in on the same path. Weird.

But then there's never a moth in the apartment! No moths fluttering around the lights, no moths in the closets, no moths found dead and crunchy on a bookshelf or starved and weak on the bathroom counter. Nothing zero zip. I honestly can't say that I've ever seen a moth in here since moving in four months ago. Weirder.

So I was noticing this a couple of weeks ago and vaguely wondering if I was going crazy or just hallucinating or what. But then when Gary was leaving for work last night, he opened the door and instantly said "stupid moth!" And I was like "hey, waitaminnit, moth?" And he proceeded to tell me that he swears that every time he opens the door at night, a moth flies in, and that it almost seems like the same moth doing it over and over. And so I came over and said "does it fly in right here?" and sketched out the little flight path, and he was all "how'd you know that?" Weirdest.

Maybe the Moth Gods are angry at me because I've been insisting for years that Mothra is the biggest pussy of a monster ever invented, and in retaliation they sent the Scary Moth Ghost to lay some bad juju on me. Well, you know what, Moth Gods? Mothra still sucks.


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