Sinus infections rock.
I believe it was Voltaire who said "the art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." Which is usually true, but the drugs my doctor gave me this morning amounted to something more than just clowns pouring out of a Volkswagen (German engineering in da haus) - after the coma-like nap I fell into upon returning home and calling in to the bookstore, my headache is gone, I can almost breathe again, and I feel like eventually I may be up to becoming a relatively productive member of society once more. Thanks, doc.
I've really spent a lot of time this "winter" under the weather, which isn't cool. I've taken to writing it off to two things - the weird weather we've had here and the fact that I sincerely need to quit smoking. The weather I can't do anything about, but the smoking I can, and will. I've finally moved past the talking about it stage and into the doing something about it stage, and the doing something about it consists of this little tiny white pill I'm about to swaller. (gulp) Yes indeed, Todd's on Wellbutrin. As of Wednesday morning, I should be done smoking. I hope I hope I hope, anyway.
So consider yourselves warned - I may be an incorrigible grump for the next couple-few weeks. If you deal with me in day-to-day life, I apologize in advance. If you don't - well, then, just sit back and laugh at Mr. Grumpy Blog as he regales you with his bitchiness. ^_^
I quit 2 years ago and was amazed at the difference it made. But you have to be a good quitter. Don't do the "I only smoke when I drink" or "only when I'm out" thing, because that only works for the people who didn't need willpower to quit in the first place. And really, tell people to piss off when they ask how it is going. Only people who never struggled with quitting ask a dumb question like that.
My hats off to you. May your lungs suddenly realize that you are able to run marathons (even if your legs haven't caught on).
Sorry to hear you've been sick. That sucks.
I do offer you support for quitting-- that's a great thing. You can do it!
Thanks for the support, all.
And :op, Will. You just elected yourself "He Who Shall Bear The Brunt Of My Wrath, And Lo, There Shall Be Great Vengeance And Furious Anger." Consider yourself lucky I'm getting laid. ^_^
getting laid? sa-weet! is she hot? betcha she is...
Congrats, Todd! May the road from addiction be as smooth as possible and hopefully the inevitable potholes will be manageable.
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