Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Learn to drive!

Three times today I got cut off in one way or another and had to slam on my brakes hard enough to lock 'em and leave pretty black stripes behind me on the pavement. Three. Twice on the way to work this morning - the first one less than a mile away from my place, meaning it was probably only about 15 minutes after I got out of bed. That's not the greatest way to start your day. And it was the worst of the three, too. It required swerving and lawn-driving and everything! #1 Super Genius decided that he wanted to take a shot at turning left across the road in front of me when I was, oh, maybe fifty feet away. And moving about 45. Go right ahead! I'll only fuck up the passenger side of your car! You never sit over there anyway! Whee. I love Tulsa drivers. (Although at least I won't feel the need to pay for a reflex test anytime soon.)

Can you sue the city for failing to properly test and license people? Hmm.

ION, I love Harry Potter. 2007 is tooooo far away.


At March 11, 2006 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have decided that the Wal-Mart people have been listening in to all my rants about the evil of their corporation & have sent people to try to kill me in my car. It happens to me all the time. Except in the snow. For some reason Chicago drivers are great in the snow, but can't drive in rainy or sunny weather. Go figure.

At March 15, 2006 2:14 AM, Blogger Todd said...

Maybe... because it snows there nine months a year? ^_^

I miss winter. Sigh.


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