Sunday, March 26, 2006

the slipper. still. fits.

George Mason is going to the Final Four. Oh my.

Now that is what this tournament is all about.

On a completely unrelated note, another link has been added to the links section in the sidebar. It's this one right here, in case you feel like checking it out but are far too lazy to go through all the trouble of scrolling down and figuring out just what's new there. This is my friend Kent's page at deviantART. He's a supercool guy and he draws some neat stuff - lots of comic book- and/or anime-type art, although he's certainly not limited to that - so if you're interested in that sort of thing then you should definitely go check him out.

Man, I didn't get paid for that plug or anything. I need a better agent.

updated at 9:40 pm: There's a Final Four survey over at right now, and one of the questions is "How many teams did you correctly pick to reach the Final Four?" Of the nearly 25,000 responses at this point, 2% of the respondents (roughly 500) said "4." I'd be shocked if 2 people in America had George Mason's name pencilled into their Final Four when they filled out their brackets, let alone 2%. And that doesn't even touch on the fact that there are no #1 seeds left, and who fills out a bracket without picking at least one of them to go that far? In fact, I don't know that there's even been a Final Four (at least since the tournament field expanded to 64) that didn't include a single #1 seed. Liars, every last fucking one of you. What's the point of lying to an anonymous poll? Who does that impress?

Good grief.

update part 2, Monday at 8:30 am: So ESPN released some details about the entries in their Tournament Challenge bracket contest. Out of over 3 million entries, a whopping four of them got the Final Four right - although 1,853 entries actually had George Mason getting there. Which means I underestimated the number of people nationwide who would actually pick GMU, basically because I didn't think about the alumni factor - those people who pick their old school to go all the way no matter how "realistic" it may seem to be. But still. Four out of 3 million is a far cry from 500 out of 25,000, no? Like I said. Liars. Too funny. America, you suck.

And I'm at work way too early because we're supposed to go pick up some stuff, and of course the guy we're supposed to get it from isn't answering the phone and it's looking like it's not going to happen and I coulda just stayed in bed. Awesome. Like I needed to lose a few extra hours of sleep at the beginning of a 60+ hour work week. Oh, hurry up, Friday afternoon.


At March 26, 2006 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you do need a better agent. b/c i heard she was a whore.

and kent is the shit.


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