Sunday, April 17, 2005

Y'all come back now, ya heah?

(noticed at Binah's place)

Your Linguistic Profile:

60% General American English

15% Upper Midwestern

15% Yankee

10% Midwestern

0% Dixie

This makes me happy. I grew up in Iowa, but for years and years I've been slowly moving farther and farther south. Which is weird, because the south and I don't really get along - I'm not religious, I'm not conservative, I don't like country music or pickup trucks or big hair, I don't eat everything fried in Crisco - so for a long time I've been actively fighting against picking up a southern accent or southern ways of speech. I'm a Yankee, dammit. I don't claim the South. It's nice to see that I'm fighting a winning battle (but then, we Yankees started winning battles against the South well over a hundred years ago). Heh.

If I were Hank, this is where I would put a disclaimer, saying that I like plenty of southern people and that any who happen to be reading this shouldn't take it the wrong way, but that stereotypes do exist for a reason. But I'm not Hank, so go ahead and get offended. :op


At April 23, 2005 3:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

75% General, 15%Dixie, and something else. Thank heaven for that.


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