Operators are standing by.
You know what bugs me? "Everything, because you're a pessimistic cynic who has very little faith in humanity or the state of the world today?" Well, yeah. But you know what's bugging me right this minute? Those commercials on TV or the radio where somebody's trying to sell you something, and then they say "call within the next fifteen minutes and we'll throw in a Ronco Turnip Twaddler free of charge!" Dude. Do you have any idea how many TV and radio stations there are in this country? There's no way these fly-by-night outfits are keeping track of what commercial plays when where, let alone who lives within a reasonable viewing/listening area of said commercial. If I call and order, I'm getting the free Turnip Twaddler no matter when their damn commercial last aired here in Tulsa. I'm not stupid and I don't appreciate companies counting on my stupidity to make me feel like I did something special and got myself a super bargain by virtue of my quick decision-making skillz.
Ah, well. It's not like I was gonna order their crappy merchandise anyway.