Sunday, May 07, 2006

Because people like to say salsa

I learned something new at Target this afternoon. Well, actually, no, I didn't learn it at Target at all. I learned it once I got home from Target and sat down to tinker with my new mp3 player. But anyway. They have a store brand, Archer Farms, which I've bought in the past and is usually pretty darn good. Which, you know, is why I continue to buy it. Apparently, however, it's owned and operated by a group of five year-old girls with overly sensitive palates. That is, if I'm to believe the evidence before me in the form of a jar their "hot" salsa. Yeah, yeah, so it's got corn and black beans and real herbs and such in it. Whoop-dee-doo. The jar doesn't say "fancy" salsa. It says "hot." Keep your hoity-toity vegetables to yourself and just give me some freakin' Scoville units.

In semi-related news, I think I'm just about completely shopped out. But I'm finally all set up for the Carolina trip (which is this week! rawk), including some things that I've needed for a while and just never got around to buying, such as the aforementioned mp3 player and a digital camera. The only thing left to buy is a haircut, and that's not exactly the same.


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